한국 전래 동화

"팥죽 할머니와 호랑이"

"Red bean porridge grandmother and tiger"

Client: Published by Froebel

A tiger the size of a house appeared.
My grandmother was shaking all over, but she spoke with her mind.

"If you give me a bowl of red bean porridge, I'll defeat the tiger."
My grandmother also scooped me a bowl of red bean porridge.

The tiger is dying, save the tiger!"
I was so sick that a heavy tiger popped up.
The tiger was in pain and had tears in his eyes.

Eros of the Man in the Artwork

예술 작품 속 남성의 에로스

Client: Magazine 'Mir'

The prototype of the male Eros is a beautiful boy

남성 에로스의 원형은 미소년

Although the essence of Eros was belatedly revealed by Freud and certified as the driving force behind human life and human culture, Eros quietly survived the long-running dark ages of Greek culture.

Male Eros in Ballet

발레에서의 남성 에로스

Ballet is the art of Eros. The dancers' bodies are beautiful, and their physical aesthetic evokes Eros' emotions. Ballet scenes are often inserted in operas, especially French operas, because they needed a device for eros.

유아 창작 동화 (대화가 필요해~)

Child's creative fairy tale (I need to talk~)

The Merchant of Venice 

베니스의 상인

영국의 극작가 윌리엄 셰익스피어의 5막 희극. 1596년경의 작품이며, 1600년에 초판되었다. 이탈리아의 단편집에서 취재한 것이다.

Comedy in Act 5 by William Shakespeare, British playwright. It was first published in 1600. It was covered by a collection of short stories in Italy.

세계의 위인 (마리퀴리)

The Great Man of the World (Marie Curie)

유아 생활 동화 (유치원 이야기)

Children's Fairy Tale (Kindergarten Story)

유아 학습 동화 (숲 속 동물 이야기)

Early Childhood Learning Fairy Tales (Stories of Animals in the Forest)

《보물섬》 Treasure Island

It is a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is said to have been built to tell his son about the adventure

First published as a book in 1883, Treasure Island was originally published in the children's magazine Young Folks from 1881 to 1882 under the title 

"Treasure Island or the Mutiny of the Hispaniola" (號). By becoming a bestseller at the time, he elevated piracy to the subject of romantic novels

Creative Fairy Tale-Mouse Police Officer

A police officer with a mouse

창작 동화-생쥐 경찰관

"What do people live by?"

사람은 무엇으로 사는가?

톨스토이가 1885년 출판한 단편소설집 《사람은 무엇으로 사는가와 다른 얘기들》 중 한 편의 이야기이다.

'다락원' 한문교과서

Takakwon Chinese Textbook

1. Holidays Together
2. My hometown, far and 

far away
3. meet one's eternal life
4. Mathematical thinking of ancestors

Aesop's Fable

'The Donkey and the Salt '

당나귀와 소금

War Memorial Children's Museum

A virtual experience space for independent training
Wall Illustration

A classic masterpiece.

'A prince and a beggar' 

고전 명작 동화-  왕자와 거지

The Clip Readers

The Planets in Our Solar System

Our solar system has eight planets. They orbit the sun.

우리의 태양계에는 8개의 행성이 있어요. 그것들은 태양의 궤도를 돌아요.

The Clip Readers

How Animals Help Each Other

 am a clownfish. I live with an anemone. Bigger fish try to eat me. The anemone eats them.

나는 흰동가리예요. 나는 말미잘과 함께 살아요. 

더 큰 물고기들이 나를 잡아 먹으려고 하거든요. 말미잘은 그 물고기들을 잡아 먹어요.

All Photo by ⓒ Tom Crew on Unsplash view